MRBW Day 8


CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF ROALD DAHL ( the centenary of his birth)

Melbourne Library Service

A whole day of events for all ages at Southbank Library. There is a display for Roald Dahl books including first editions and other interesting Dahl books. In the evening Chris Browne gave a talk on the publishing history and the important landmarks in Dahl’s output for children and adults. There is also a guest speaker reading from books.

I attended and sketched at the daytime sessions for children. They clearly loved their visits to the library and the interaction with the staff and the love of the books there. There were about 35 children from 2 –  5 years (and their parents and some babies) at the Dahl-themed stories, short film  and other rhymes and songs. A new generation of book lovers in the making.

 Below are some of my sketches in watercolor pencil. It was a fun and challenging event.
Everyone was on the go, or sitting (but not still) for short amounts of time.
Some reading time, film watching and dancing.
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20Jul2016 MRBW Day 8 storytime20Jul2016 MRBW Day 8 film

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