Everyday in May 14-31

Here are my drawings for Days 14 to 31 of Everyday in May. I blogged my drawings on 1-13 . Now here is the second half.
What was Everyday in May ?
It started on 1st May and we drew one item on the list from the flickr or facebook group  every day in May until finishing on 31st May .A great fun community of EDiM sketchers has grown.
 Have a look at the Flickr group  Add a comment (just join to get account to comment) as there are a few people were using Everyday in May to get into or back into drawing and would love a comment !
Sometimes I spent only a few scribbled moments on a sketch and other times a longer drawing (usually done with the tv on in the background) . The  fun (and sometimes challenging ) part was choosing how to interpret the theme! It was fun for a month, but I am ready to spend that time doing other drawings now….
here are most of my 14-1 May drawings





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